Eight(8) Things to Maintain kidney Health
1. Stay Hydrated:
Drink an adequate amount of water to help your kidneys flush out waste and toxins
2. Balanced Diet:
Consume a balanced diet that's low in salt, processed food, and excessive protein, hogh in fruits and vegetables.
3. Manage Blood Pressure:
manage your blood pressure of the body with normal range (range uper range-110-135) and( lower range 60-80) the high range can effect your kidneys and destroy your kidneys as it.
4. Control Blood Sugar:
If you have diabetes,control the sugar make diet high sugar can defect your kidney.
5. Limit Alcohol:
Excessive alcohol consumption can harm your kidneys so drink in moderation.
6. Avoid Smoking:
smoking is injurious of your blood vessels of kidney , smoke close the vessels and flow of blood is reducing kidney to heart. make them effective at filter the wasting.
7. Regular Excercise:
Maintain weight for the health of kidney's ,do daily excercise physically and make them perfect for working and reduce risk of diseases of kidney
8. Medication Safety:
Over-the-counter medication, like pain reliever, cautiously and consult your health care providers about potential kidney related side effect.
Remember to consult with a health care professional for personalized guidance on kidney health.