Nutrition In Human Body

Nutrition In Human Body 

Food is a set of chemicals that is basically required fr growth and for obtaining energy. Morever, food is needed to make enzyme for various metabolic processes. The food which Animals, including Humans, take in consist of the following components or nutrients.

1. Carbohydrates:

These are th fuel of the body because they are the most direct source of energy. Common examples are star h, sugar, etc the most common simple sugar is grape sugar called glucose. It is the most readily available source of energy.

2. Fats:

Fats belong the organic group called lipids. Fats are hogh energy food. They provide the double amount of energy upon oxidation in contrast to the sane quantity of carbohydrates.

We obtained fats from animals sources ghee butter, cream , fish-oil etc as well as plants e.g. mustard oil, soybean oil, peanuts etc. 

Animals store fats beneath the skin and around some visceral organs. Besides serving as source of energy they insulate the body and protect the internal organs. They also serve as building material of protoplasm and membrane system.

3. Protein:

They are obtained from meat, pulses, dry fruits, milk, cheese, etc.  Proteins are required for growth, repair, defence of body clotting of blood. They are structure building compounds which make many body structures like hair, nails, muscels, etc

4. Minerals:

Minrals are ionic substance which are required in metabolic activities of the body . They donot provide us energy but ensure proper growth and functioning of the body . Some important minrals are described.

Calcium: It is obtained from milk, eggs, fruits, and cereals it strengthens the bones and teeth. 

Iron: It is found in meat, liver eggs, apple, spinach and other vegetables. It ks used in synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin in blood and muscles, respectively.

Phosphorus: It is found in milk, eggs, meat and vegetables it is required for bones, teeth, formation of plasma membrane, nucleic acids, and ATP.


Vitamins are organic compounds which are needed in minutes quantity for proper growth and development of the body. Animals have. To obtain them through their diet. Vitamins are denoted by alphabets such as A,B,C,D,E,K. They are classified as fat soluble vitamins can be stored along with fat but water soluble vitamins cannot be stored so we require continues intake of them.


Water is  70 percent of the total mass of the human body. It is required as solvent in most of the metabolic activities of the body. Iy alsohelps in the absorption and transportation of the digested food.

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