Effect of Drugs in Nervous System

Effect of Drugs in Nervous System

Any chemical substances that alters the function of one or more body organ or changes the process of disease called drugs.Many of the drug alters the mood and or emotional state of a person, that's why the drugs are some time. Misused. The misuse or drug abuse is the use of a drug for a purpose other than that for whoch it is normally prescribed.it as adverse effects on health of the user.Some of the drugs types:


It is the type.of analgesic (pain-killer) used in the treatment of moderat and severe pain. Examples cocain, heroin, morphine, abuse of narcotic drugs often develop tolerance and the greater amount are then needed to have the same effect.

Heroin: it is derived from Morphine a substance extracted from the opium of the poppy plants. It is while or brownish powder that can be smoked, sniffed, warmth, drownish etx long term use tolarence.

Cocaine: it is obtained from leaves of shrub. The effects of cocaine on the brain led to its abuse. Continue use of it can lead to phycological dependence . Thats why it is extremely addictive.

Marijuana: it is derived from cannabis plant. It has been called as gate way of drugs because people who use it also try other drugs. Marijuana also called charus and hashish can produce felling of well being and calmness. Users become dreamy and relaxed, laughing readilly and experiencing time as passing slowly. Large doses may result in death.

effects of cocaine drugs?

effects of cocaine on the brain led to its abuse. Continue use of it can lead to phycological dependence . Thats why it is extremely addictive.

common cause of paralysis in Human body?

Common cause of paralysis is a stroke in which damage to a part of the brain is caused by bleeding or blood clotting in a blood vessels that supplies the area of brain.

: work of narcotics drugs ?

2. Nicotine

     It is in tobacco that acts as a simulant. It is highly addictive. Nicotine can be inhaled with tobacco smoke or it can absorbed by chewing tobacco. It acts primarily on autonomic nervous system. The drug increases the heart rate, narrow the blood vessels to increase the blood pressure.

3. Alcohol:

Alcohol is colour-less liquid produced from the fermentation of carbohydrates by yeast. The effects of alcohol on the CNS is as depressant, decreasing its activity and thus reducing anxiety. Excessive alcohol intake cause impaired concentration and judgement.

Disorders of nervous system

1. Paralysis: 

It is complete or partial loss of voluntary movements of resulting in the inability to contract one or more muscles. Common cause of paralysis is a stroke in which damage to a part of the brain is caused by bleeding or blood clotting in a blood vessels that supplies the area of  brain.

2. Neurosis: 

It is a range of mild psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety etc.

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