Support and movement in man
Without support of some kind not only our bodies but the bodies of even smaller animals would have collapsed. The support which we and other animal need come from the structure called skeleton. Beside support skeleton offers protection. It also helps in Locomotion.In man, the internal frame work of 206 bones constitute the skeleton.The bony skeleton perform the following function.
1) It provide support to the body.
2) It gives shape to the body.
3) It offers protection to vital organs
such as brain, heart, lungs, etc.
4) Provide surface for the attachment of muscles.
5) It help locomotion.
6) Its long bones produces blood cells.
*Femur (thigh) bones is the largest bone, stapes (in ear) is the smallest bone.
Bones are hard calcified structure being composed of living cells surrounded by deposition of minerals like calcium and phosphate. These minerals are not permanently fixed in bones like the minerals fixed in rocks. They can be replaced all time so that the structure of bones changes constantly depending upon factors like the intake of minerals, the same minerals requirement by other tissues and the exposure of bones to stress. Bones are present inside the body and covered over flash and skin. Skeleton can be divided into following two groups:
It consists of all the bones which lie on the central axis of the body and form the main frame-work of the body. Skull, vertebrae, sternum and ribs constitute our axial skeleton.
The bones which are attached with axial skeleton from the appendicular skeleton. Shoulder bones, bones of arms, (humerus, radio ulna, carpals, etc), hip bones girdle (pelvic girdle) and bones of legs (femur, tibia, fibula, tarsals etc) from the appendicular skeleton.
It refers to the displacement of two bones in a joint usually as a consequence of injury. It usually accompanied by tearing of joint ligament as well as damage to capsule. Dislocation of joints of diagnosed by severe pain, swelling and abnormal appearance of the joint.
Is a disorder related to the aging process. This condition the bones become porous or more spongy, thinner and weaker so that they become fragile and a slight injury way break the bone. Women suffer more than men. Although, it can effect the whole skeleton, hip, wrist, and vertebrae tend to be worstly affected.